The #BlinkBlog is back! Read below to see what our authors are reading and get a glimpse in from our Blink authors!
Pumpkin Spice Latte fan?
Alison Gervais: Not really a pumpkin spice latte fan anymore! I’ll have maybe one frappachino a season now, but that’s about it.
Christina June: Yes, but not die-hard. I’ll treat myself to one or two a season.
Heather Maclean: Nope. I’ve never had a cup of coffee in my life, so sadly I miss out on the PSL experience. I do, however, make a mean pumpkin bread. I do dunk it in my tea–does that count?
Mary Rand Hess: I enjoy a pumpkin spice latte, but prefer a cappuccino or hot tea.
McCall Hoyle: I start stalking the local grocery stores in late August for anything pumpkin flavored—cream cheese, cookies, Krispy Kreme donuts. So yes to Pumpkin Spice Latte with a capital Y.
Stephanie Morrill: Not so much. I mean, I’ll drink one, but it’s not my go-to drink. I’m an enthusiastic coffee drinker, but a basic one.
What’s on your reading list this fall?
Alison Gervais: Right now I’m reading Outlander by Diana Galbadon. It’s great so far, but it’s also a huge novel, so between work and writing, it might take me until the end of fall to finish!
Christina June: THE TEMPTATION OF ADAM by Dave Connis, DEAR MARTIN by Nic Stone, and MOXIE by Jennifer Mathieu.
Heather Maclean: The new sequel for my all-time favorite book from my all-time favorite author: Ken Follett’s “A Column of Fire.”
Mary Rand Hess: Here’s what I’m reading this fall: Refugee by Alan Gratz, The Poet’s Dog by Patricia MacLachlan, You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me by Sherman Alexie, The Thing with Feathers by McCall Hoyle, In 27 Days by Alison Gervais, A Tyranny of Petticoats edited by Jessica Spotswood, Olio by Tyehimba Jess, The Rain in Portugal by Billy Collins, Swallowing Mercury by Wioletta Greg, Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings by Joy Harjo, Where Now (New and Selected Poems) by Laura Kasischke, my favorite bedtime stories, Cy Makes a Friend by Ann Marie Stephens and Out of Wonder by Kwame Alexander, Chris Colderley, and Marjory Wentworth, and finally, manuscripts from my amazing writing group friends, and the Bible.
McCall Hoyle: There are not enough hours in the day to read all the books I want to read, but two books that I know I’ve preordered and will read this fall are Turtles All the Way Down by John Green and Dear Martin by Nic Stone, a fellow 2017 debut author.
Stephanie Morrill: Sarah Dessen’s Once and for All. It came out over the summer, but I never get much reading time until my kids go back to school.
Share about a day in the life of you as an author.
Alison Gervais: A day in my life as an author consists of work (not too exciting there) and writing. I’m always writing! I’ll pull up a word document on the computer or sometimes have a pen and paper nearby to jot down stuff when I can. Nothing too glamorous.
Christina June: Get kiddo and me off to work, snag a few minutes of writing or promo before contract begins, work 8 hours, go home and snag a few more minutes of writing, family time, bed time for kiddo, sneak in some more writing or promo, downtime with my husband, pass out.
Mary Rand Hess: On an average day, I have a little breakfast and get my sons off to school, exchange emails or texts with my writing partner, Kwame Alexander, and maybe jump on a conference call or two. Sometimes, I take a late morning nap (because I was up until 3 a.m. writing the night before). Then I take my dogs out, come back inside to read, listen to music, and start writing and dreaming. Or I meet up with my writing group pals at one of our favorite writing spots. This goes on for about four hours or so. Then I break for a late lunch, and catch up with my sons after school. We run around town to go here and there. When my husband gets home, we like to take a walk or workout. Then we all have dinner before or after my sons’ basketball practices. We blink, and it’s getting late and everyone is settling in for the night, finishing up homework, and getting ready for bed. This is when the real writing begins. I love writing when it seems the world is asleep. I make tea, write and read for another 3 to 5 hours. Sounds like a laundry list, right? About that laundry…
McCall Hoyle: I love talking to readers, so I spend almost as much time conducting school visits and library visits as I do teaching high school English and writing. I also spend lots of time daydreaming about all the stories in my head.
Stephanie Morrill: Prepare yourself to be awed by my glamorous author life. (Ha ha ha.) The older two are in elementary school, but my youngest is just two and home with me. When he naps, I heat up leftovers and ignore my messy house as I shut myself in my office. I write first so that I make sure it happens. I write for at least an hour. Two, if I don’t have much else on my “must do today” work list. When I’m done writing for the day, I spend the rest of my time drafting or editing blog posts for, responding to emails, interacting on social media, or other non-writing but writing-related type things. On a good day when my toddler naps well, I get three hours before I morph back into a mom and go pick up my kids. In busy seasons, I also work after the kids are in bed.
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