As we celebrate the release of Fractured Tide this week, we are featuring a special interview with author Leslie Lutz. Learn more about her new release below – and stay tuned for Part II coming later this week.
Get your copy of Fractured Tide HERE.
Congratulations on the publication of your new book!
What does it feel like to have Fractured Tide in the world? It’s surreal, honestly. When I was writing the book, I wasn’t sure Sia’s harrowing adventure would ever make it to an audience larger than my critique group. After fifteen years of working on my writing and dreaming about connecting with a bigger audience, I’m so happy to see Fractured Tide on the shelf. And the super-cool cover art still gives me chills.
How would you describe Fractured Tide to someone who is interested in reading it?
Fractured Tide is your thing if you like character-driven thrillers with a lot of heart. If you are drawn to stories about the monster under the bed (or in the reef) and if you always feel a jolt of excitement watching or reading survival stories, you’ll love this book.
What was your inspiration for Fractured Tide?
After a few false starts, I had a writing breakthrough on vacation in the Florida Keys. I was scuba diving on a beautiful monster of a wreck called the Spiegel Grove, and when my group descended deep enough to see the ship, it materialized out of the gloom in such a ghostly way that the image really stuck with me. When I came home from vacation, the seed started sprouting a whole garden of other ideas, most of which had to do with what it’s like to be in a place that inspires both fear and wonder.
What do you hope readers take away from this new release?
First of all, escape. We all need one these days. Secondly, I hope readers learn something from Sia’s journey—that the life you want isn’t always the life you need.
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