With fall in full swing, we had some more fun quizzing our Blink authors on one of the most popular seasonal beveragse – the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Love it? Hate it? Keep reading to see what some of our authors had to say.
Carol Lynch Williams: I don’t drink coffee. I actually do quite like caramel apple cider. I even made up my own recipe. One year a bunch of my kid’s friends came over and I served my caramel apple cider. It was so sweet it gave one kid a sugar headache and hurt another kids teeth. But the Williams girls chuckle lugged the drink.
Christina June: I love all things pumpkin. PSL, pumpkin pie, pumpkin candles, pumpkin lotion. All of it.
Denise Grover Swank: I prefer my pumpkin in pies and bread. Yum.
Evangeline Denmark: YES!
Heather Maclean: I’m a pumpkin everything fan except coffee. For no reason whatsoever, I’ve never had a single cup of coffee, and I don’t imagine I’d start with something pumpkin-y.
Jonathan Friesen: Not sure. It sounds good.
Lorie Langdon: Um…YES!! And cereal, and donuts, and pancakes, and muffins, and oatmeal…you get the idea.
How about you? Are you a Pumpkin Spice Latte fan or not? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!
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