
31 May

Where Is Your Favorite Place To Read On Warm Summer Days?

Summer is HERE! Curious of where our BLINK authors love to spend their time reading over the summer? We have got the answers!

Lorie Langdon: My front porch curled in a cozy chair with the wind chimes blowing in the breeze.

Denise Grover Swank: Is it cheating if I say the beach? Reading on the beach is perfect.

Jonathan Friesen: Okay, confession. I don’t read on warm, summer days. I’m fishing or hiking or mowing on days like that. I read during wintertime, and since this is not a winter post, I won’t bother you with where I read when the snow falls.

Luke Reynolds: Toes in sand. Or bare feet on grass.

Carol Lynch Williams: It gets pretty hot here in Utah during the summer. I actually love to read in bed, before anyone is awake. And I’ll read late at night after everyone has gone to bed. I’ll read until I can’t my eyes open anymore.

We’ll have more summer fun with some of your favorite authors next week! Stay tuned…